Using DAM tool, we can manage the digital asset centrally. Sitecore has connector to use digital assets placed in Sitecore Content Hub. In this blog, we would talk about how you can configure the Sitecore to use the digital assets available in the Sitecore Content Hub.
In Sitecore, everything is an item and for customization we play around items only. Similarly in Sitecore Content Hub, everything is an Entity and it has Entity definitions. In layman language, you can consider entity definition as an entity attributes/ properties.
Every tool provides lots of out of the box functionalities. When you are working on the client's requirement, it is very hard to fulfill all the client's requirement using those out of the box functionalities. Hence you need a way to customize the existing functionalities or introduce/create new functionalities.
In the previous blog we talk about what is Sitecore content hub, its benefits and its model. Today I would like to cover some basic pages and features. There are few common functionalities which are available across most of the pages on Content Hubs which are self-explanatory.
In today’s world, we can’t assume company without having a marketing team. At the same time, we can’t assume marketing team without digital assets and the lifecycle of digital assets. Marketing team creates lots of digital assets and has to gone throw the approval life cycle to pick the assets for their digital promotion. Digital assets can be images, videos, pdf files, word files etc.