When I try to login into Sitecore using Sitecore CLI command, I am getting /.well-known/openid-configuration: Bad Gateway issue.
In my last blog, I have explained how to setup ASP.Net Rendering SDK on developer machine and configure with your CM website. In this blog, I would explain the ASP.Net Rendering SDK OOTB solution design. If you open the OOTB solution file, you will get two projects. A) Platform B) RenderingHost
Sitecore introduced Sitecore JavaScript Services (JSS) to support headless with Sitecore 9.0. It’s a very good move for the headless and front-end technology where rich digital experience website can be easily using front end having analytics and personalization capabilities. In this case, Sitecore content getting severed by API named Layout Service in JSON format and client scripting technology like ReactJs, Vue Js consume this JSON and render/print the page.
You might come in a situation when you would like to disable the publishing service. Suppose you are working for a very big client, having huge Sitecore platform. But they change their content monthly (once in a month). Since they are sending the content monthly, they have huge content and multiple people change content parallelly.
In today’s time, digital contents are changing very rapidly. Due to this content’s author is very active now a days and changing their content frequently. In CMS worlds, publishing content is one of the most used features of the content management domain used by content authors. In case of bigger client, you may have multiple content authors for managing the website content. They are changing the content even parallelly as well.
Using DAM tool, we can manage the digital asset centrally. Sitecore has connector to use digital assets placed in Sitecore Content Hub. In this blog, we would talk about how you can configure the Sitecore to use the digital assets available in the Sitecore Content Hub.
In Sitecore, everything is an item and for customization we play around items only. Similarly in Sitecore Content Hub, everything is an Entity and it has Entity definitions. In layman language, you can consider entity definition as an entity attributes/ properties.
Every tool provides lots of out of the box functionalities. When you are working on the client's requirement, it is very hard to fulfill all the client's requirement using those out of the box functionalities. Hence you need a way to customize the existing functionalities or introduce/create new functionalities.
In the previous blog we talk about what is Sitecore content hub, its benefits and its model. Today I would like to cover some basic pages and features. There are few common functionalities which are available across most of the pages on Content Hubs which are self-explanatory.
In today’s world, we can’t assume company without having a marketing team. At the same time, we can’t assume marketing team without digital assets and the lifecycle of digital assets. Marketing team creates lots of digital assets and has to gone throw the approval life cycle to pick the assets for their digital promotion. Digital assets can be images, videos, pdf files, word files etc.
One of the new features of Sitecore 9.3 is that they are giving the option to store the media files in Azure Blob storage. This is the less expensive approach and increases the performance as well. It also helps to decrease the Sitecore databases sizes as well.
Sitecore internally does not use this service. It provides this service for the developers/technical people to check the Sitecore health.Sometime website goes down. One of the major issue behind this is your website is not able to connect database. Sitecore provide a service to check the connectivity from all the available databases. It parse ConnectionString.config file and read all the available connectionString.
Cloning a Sitecore item means coping that Sitecore item at the same or different location and inherit its fields value from the base/source Sitecore item. Unclone is require when you would like to break the inheritance.
Search is a major functionality for any of the websites and performance of the website majorly depends on the search performance. Officially Sitecore support three different search engines: SOLR, Azure Search and Lucene. Sitecore does not recommend using Lucene as it would be deprecated in later Sitecore releases. Even Sitecore does not support Lucene for the production environment.
Sitecore Dynamic placeholder is a great functionality for the content author. It provides the functionality to add/change the layout at runtime without knowing much about Sitecore and technology. Content author can add/change component at any point of time at the given place.
One of the eye catching and most talked feature of Sitecore 10 is support on Dockers Container. Sitecore is providing support on Dockers container officially now. It’s a huge relief for the company would like to use Dockers Container for the development and production.
Sitecore JSS is very hot now a day because of its headless architecture. One of the cool features of Sitecore is Sitecore Form, where marketer can create the Sitecore Form as per requirement without having much Sitecore or technical knowledge.
Use this NPM command to install Sitecore JSS sdk globally. It would download Sitecore JSS package. You can verify that Sitecore JSS installed or not by following command.
Sitecore JSS is available in the market since around two years. It is a very well-known technology at least among the Sitecore and CMS domain/technology. People are using Sitecore JSS from long time now. During some discussion I found that still lots of people are not aware about some basic things about Sitecore JSS.
In today’s world sharing digital content across various channel is very common. People create content at a central place and share the same content across various channel/platform sometime various app/mobile app as well.
Recently we came into a requirement where we need to send email whenever sitecore user trigger rebuild index manually. We also need to send email once that index gets completed. Sitecore does not provide any event for rebuild index like publishing. We have Publish:end and Publish:end:remote event for publishing but don't have similar event for.
From last few days, my analytics tracker was not working. So I thought to fix this issue today.When I start Sitecore Marketing Automation Engine – .MarketingAutomationService.
Rebuilding of index is a very common scenario if your website is built on Sitecore. During the maintenance of the websites, you come in the situation when you have to rebuild your indexes. Here the question is, what is the problem in triggering index rebuild event?
In the software development lifecycle you have to change database password sometimes. Especially if you are working on a new website or redesigning an existing websites and planning to go live. So before going live ideally we should change the existing databases password.
When I installed Sitecore 9.0.2 and Sitecore Commerce 9.0.2, I am getting below errors in the log files: ERROR Unable to connect to [https://localhost:8983/solr], Core: [sitecore_sxa_master_index] ERROR Unable to connect to [https://localhost:8983/solr], Core: [sitecore_sxa_web_index] The above issue is not related to the Sitecore Commerce but it is related to Sitecore 9.0.2 and Sitecore SXA.
Sitecore Commerce solution is not similar to regular Sitecore solution. Even Sitecore Commerce installation package provide us a sample Sitecore Commerce solution as well. But it contains multiple sample project as well. Usually, people don’t remove the existing sample project and start developing Sitecore Commerce component on top of that sample solution.
Changing the default password of Sitecore Commerce (XC) is not as simple as in Sitecore. When we install Sitecore Commerce 9.0 onwards, it creates 8 web applications in your IIS. You can find default password at multiple places in the commerce application’s configuration files.
Today I would like to discuss regarding SEO Friendly URL issue then will discuss the resolutions. Every project has to work on SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Particularly I would like to tell you about the URL. As per SEO recommendation, our URL should be in small letters and it should not have space in URLs.
Suppose you are using Unicorn for Sitecore item serialization. You have deployed your code and Sitecore items on staging/Production environment and released it to client/content author for content entry.
Suppose you are using Unicorn for Sitecore item serialization. You have deployed your code and Sitecore items on staging/Production environment and released it to client/content author for content entry.
A facet is part of information that a contact or interaction can have. Sitecore xDB provide lots of out of the box facet that can be used to store user information inside the xDB database. For example: PersonalInformaiton, EmailAddress, ProfileScores, EngagementMeasures.
Content authors update content regularly to make their site up to date. Once the changes completed, they must have to publish the content to push the latest changes on production or live website.
Before Sitecore 9.0, Web Form Marketers (WFFM) was being used to full fill the web form requirement in Sitecore. But in Sitecore 9, we don’t need Web Form Marketers any more. Sitecore providing Form out of the box with Sitecore 9.0 installation.
One of the main changes from Sitecore 8.0 to 9.0 is, Sitecore changed xDB related API to the service based API. When you install Sitecore 9.0 or Sitecore 9 – Update 1, it creates two websites in your machine. One for your regular CMS and another is for hosting service, that can be used to perform xDB related activity.
For handling dynamic URLs, you can use wildcard item in the Sitecore. Only difference with the regular Sitecore item is, the name of the item is wildcard (*) character. Display name of that item can be anything.